Providence Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyers
Sometimes referred to as a “wage earner’s plan,” Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often favored by people with a steady income who are struggling to meet their monthly obligations. It can also be a good option for people in need of debt relief who do not qualify for Chapter 7. Before you move forward with any debt relief solution, be sure that you discuss your options with a qualified lawyer.
Our Providence Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys at HCA Law LLC, have helped countless clients throughout Rhode Island obtain the fresh start they are entitled to by law. From the preparation and filing of your petition to the final discharge of your debts, our team will be there with you from start to finish.
What Chapter 13 Can Do For You
Under Chapter 13, you make a monthly payment to your trustee according to a court-approved debt repayment plan. The trustee then distributes the funds to your creditors. Most repayment plans take between three and five years to complete. At the end of the repayment plan, you receive a discharge of your debts even if your creditors have not been paid in full.
Depending on your circumstances, there can be a number of advantages to filing under Chapter 13. If you are behind on mortgage or other loan payments, the arrearages can often be rolled into the bankruptcy. As long as you are able to keep up with the current payments, foreclosure or repossession may be avoided. In addition, any bankruptcy filing will stop creditor harassment, including phone calls and letters.
Discuss Your Case With Our Rhode Island Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys
Contact our office today to discuss your questions with one of our Providence Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys. They are available during regular business hours and by appointment at other times. You can reach us by phone at 401-443-9579 or via email. For your convenience, we accept most major credit cards.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.