Efficient, Effective and Dedicated Counsel

Rhode Island Uncontested Divorce Lawyers

Many people believe that an uncontested divorce is only possible after a short-term marriage, a marriage where there were no children or a marriage involving very little assets accumulated between the spouses. The truth is that no matter what your situation may be, any couple that can reach an agreement as to the care and custody of their children and the distribution of their assets and debts can resolve their disputes by way of an uncontested divorce hearing, more commonly referred to as a nominal hearing.

The Providence divorce attorneys at HCA Law LLC, represent clients across Rhode Island who need help finalizing an uncontested or simple divorce successfully. They provide clear counsel designed to help you accomplish your dissolution in a cost-effective and stress-free manner. Contact us today to learn more about how our attorneys can help you.

Compassionate Lawyers Helping With Amicable And Simple Divorce Actions In Rhode Island

In order to seek an uncontested divorce in Rhode Island, one spouse must reside in the state for at least a year prior to filing. Once that requirement is satisfied, either spouse can start the divorce filing process. Our Rhode Island uncontested divorce attorneys can help ensure that all of the following issues are clearly captured and articulated in your amicable divorce agreement:

  • Child custody arrangements

  • Child support payment schedules

  • Spousal support or alimony durations and amounts

  • Property division terms, including the marital home and any retirement accounts subject to division

  • How any tax implications will be dealt with

Our attorneys work with you to fully understand your goals and make sure that every point you and your spouse come to an agreement on is recorded to prevent any disputes from occurring in the future.

Even some simple divorce matters that have minimal conflicts can still be called uncontested divorces because we help you reach an understanding and a judge’s intervention is not needed. One of our lawyers will represent you at the mandatory divorce hearing that is required for a simple divorce to be granted, and they will outline the terms of the agreement to the court.

Discuss Your Case With One Of Our Providence, Rhode Island, Divorce Attorneys Today

Contact our office today to discuss your simple and amicable uncontested divorce agreement needs with one of our trusted and experienced attorneys. They are available during regular business hours and by appointment at other times, when needed.

You can reach us by phone at 401-443-9579 or via email. For your convenience, we accept most major credit cards.