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How people can beat Rhode Island DUI charges

On Behalf of | May 14, 2024 | DUI

Rhode Island motorists get arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) charges for many different reasons. Some people get pulled over by police because of how they behave in traffic. Other people face scrutiny specifically because of their involvement in a crash. The state may even conduct sobriety checkpoints wherein police officers screen dozens of drivers as quickly as possible for signs of potential impairment.

Frequently, those arrested on DUI charges panic because of the possible consequences. They decide to plead guilty because they think that doing so is the best option. Even those who know they hadn’t consumed alcohol before driving may fear the evidence that the state could impose. They may believe that going to trial is likely pointless.

Yet, it is potentially possible for someone facing DUI charges in Rhode Island to successfully fight those allegations. How can people challenge DUI charges successfully?

By knowing their rights

Often, a criminal defense strategy begins with someone recognizing that police officers did something inappropriate. Whether the initial traffic stop was illegal or officers violated someone’s rights, their actions could compromise the evidence that the prosecution intends to use in a DUI case. Misconduct and also a failure to conform to best practices by police officers could weaken the state’s case.

By having a realistic explanation

The popularity of police procedural television shows and crime thrillers has led to the average person putting an inappropriate degree of faith in forensic evidence. While breath tests can help establish someone’s level of alcohol impairment, they are far from infallible.

In fact, inaccurate results are quite common during chemical breath testing. People who know that the test results were inaccurate can potentially fight their charges by providing an explanation. Medical issues, dietary choices and even device maintenance records maintained by the local police department could help raise questions about the accuracy of test results and the validity of the charges that someone faces.

The right defense strategy typically begins with someone evaluating the evidence that the prosecutor intends to use to prove a DUI charge. Responding assertively to DUI charges can lead to a better outcome than simply pleading guilty for the sake of expediency.